Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Little Big Boy

My Little Big Boy

Cute and inquisitive, attentive and glad
Rolls and tumbles right into my heart
His toothless smile cheers me when I feel sad
His eyes of sincerity erase all the bad
He grasps my fingers and gives a little tug
My heart melts when he gives me a hug
Drool and slobber, coos and babble
Everything goes into his mouth!
He nibbles and giggles and now sits up
Soon he'll choose between the bottle and the cup

He's my favorite audience at our personal open mics
He stares so intently while I read, sing or recite
A grin creeps softly upon his lips
And then he says "deet" and sprays me with spit!
Soon he'll say "dada" to my husbands content
And though every evening and night time is spent
In watching him tumble and rumble and roll
With each playful jabber my heart he has stole
N' he seems oh so quiet around everyone else
Until he comes home and shows his true self!
My happy go getter, my pride and my joy
To him everything near him is his newest toy!

My little big boy, and bigger you'll get
The more you grow older, the more I seem to forget
What it was like when you first came on that faithful day
It's like all those memories are getting away...


1 comment:

  1. aw! may you always hold on to these memories, no matter how old and big he gets! Many happy father moments to u!


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