Friday, December 2, 2011

We live but once

Special thanks to All is Well-Inspire for sharing the following quote which inspires my post today.

I shall pass through this life but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to my fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again ~ Etienne De Grellet

This quote really hit home for me because I too have been thinking about the fact that we live but once. We’ve got one life to live, one opportunity, and each moment is a chance to focus on something special, something important to us; something fulfilling and that has lasting impact.

Why not spare that extra few minutes to talk to a friend? It doesn’t hurt to pick up the phone to call a relative you haven’t talked to in a long time.

So you have a few dollars in your pocket; why not give it with the opportunity. The impact might be momentary but you will make an impact. Check out The Good 30 Day Challenge.

You have that concept, that idea; are you going to selfishly let it die with you because you don’t see how you will gain from giving it? It is better to sow it and let God take care of the increase. Trust Him.

We have a limited time on earth; each of us have a time to go. Let’s grab hold of the legacy our parents and grand parents have to pass on, lest they leave without sharing all that is on their hearts. I recommend getting a voice recording device and recording special dialogues where you dig deep into their lives and experiences, extracting the richness of your heritage.

Let’s invest in our children. Every moment counts, because each moment that ticks away inches them closer to adulthood and it is what we do this moment that will impact their destinies.

We live but once; let’s make the most of the life we've been given, and may He say "Well Done" on that faithful day.

Lyrics by tia 2011


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and providing such specific examples to encourage us to move! I was just praying for a gift idea for my husband. Perhaps I will "interview" his parents and record their thoughts as a memoir of sorts. You, my dear, continually give an avid illustration of how to take your own advice! Debbie :)

  2. Debbie, thank you for the encouragement. I pray that we can live out our faith and conviction practically day to day, moment by moment. We would love to hear about your gift; I think it's a wonderful idea :D


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