Young and yearning; the teenage years were challenging.
Waiting and wondering; I would turn to God.
He is my Confidante, my guidance and direction.
He is always listening, no matter how silly my banter...
A Rare Treasure was a letter written to God in 1998 as a junior in high school. So innocent and naive I was to believe that HE could have a special love in store for me...only to find that HE truly did 10 years later. HE is an awesome wonder!
A Rare Treasure
…Now, how I feel ought to be expressed at this place and time. Yearning…perhaps needing another person to hold on to, lean against for softness and comfort. Not ready to exploit anything I have but rather seeking to hear and be heard…You know Lord, so constantly I feel this is the guy You are going to bring into my life…You know; the man of my dreams, unique through his precious eyes and his true concern for me. I often imagine his strong hands yielding to the delicacy of a course, beautiful face. You know-his sensitivity! Alright! So I’m dreaming too much! There’s no such man they say…but I say, I am a rare jewel and I will get a rare treasure. An initiator ready to state that he wants to further and deepen his relationship with Christ along with me, one who isn’t afraid to launch into the Spirit and truth of real worship. Umm, the man who will stand persecution for Christ’s sake and spend long hours talking lovingly of Him. He’ll have the sense of when the time is right- alone in moonlight, at the door…at the altar- just one fine smooch to fill my simple desire!
So I think it’s this guy that will pop up to be that listening ear. But, for real, I kind of guess that it really is You. You want Your kids to depend on You for everything…I need to be brought to that place to ask questions and get answers from You alone. Love…sweet love-I’ll experience it first hand from the Savior and if I’m patient enough, He will give me that complementary man that will help me draw closer to Him.
It’s all good-It is all good! You have plans that I will prosper and have an expected end. Your faithfulness is awesome…I thank You Lord. I love You so much.
Love You Lord,
Lyrics by tia 1998
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