Saturday, June 9, 2012

What Moves You?

This past week I had the awesome privilege of entering my parents' newly renovated home since last year when we experienced a devastating fire there. This home holds special significance for me as my wedding pictures were taken there...the ones that I look at all the time. Comparing the soot and the damage i remembered to the beautiful new scenery and lovely new fixtures was encouraging. The brand spanking new appliances, wooded floors and ceiling fans opened my eyes to all things new. I was truly inspired just by taking that brief walk through the clean, open space. As a result, I've decided to make some tangible changes so that one day I can own and deserve such a beautiful space, as well as my many other dreams.

What moves you?

Have you ever taken the opportunity to visit the car dealer just to see and ride in that luxury vehicle you admire? Have you gone to an open house to see that home you've been dreaming about? Have you paid a visit to that travel agency just to inquire about your dream vacation?

Try it. It just might inspire you to work and pray harder.

Also, I've learned from others that a Dream Poster is great. Cut out pictures of the specific things you desire and put them up where you can see them. Seeing, feeling and experiencing your dreams up close makes them all the more attainable.

I'm moving. What moves you?

-Lyrics by tia 2012


  1. Great, a vision is a dream that will come through.

  2. Hi Taiwo - May God bless you and your family always! What moves me? The possibility of being a mother someday to a baby girl! This summer, I'm clearing out the 2nd bedroom and baby proofing my whole apartment. Two weeks ago, I looked online at some houses in NC. I still have my dream of becoming a home owner and hope and pray to expand my family again (2nd baby)after moving into our home!!! You're so right on point....Take Care, Christina

  3. you are so right! i have done many dream poster. Seeing it everyday causes you to remember what you are working toward and work harder. Great blog!

  4. Hi Taiwo! Thanks for this wonderful reminder. Time to work on that dream poster and start making some tangible preparation! - Bum_la

    1. @Bunmi: Awesome! It's fun putting those dreams together. Seeing them often definitely keeps you reminded of the prize as you take those steps toward achievement. Wishing you the very best!

  5. Looking forward to the day that I'll be called wife in front of my family and friends. What moves me is the thought of how wide my grin will be and how hard I will dance like David danced on that God appointed day. Even though I may fret at times,I am so moved with positive hope that I'll meet that special somebody God has set aside for me that I just stop and smile no matter how hectic the day is.

    1. Wow @Iyabode: Your heart's cry is quite similar to mine as I sought God for the same gift for many, many years. HE is truly faithful, trust me. Please remain faithful too and allow HIM to write you a story beyond compare! The very best -t


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