Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Inspirations: The Way You Make Me Feel, MJ!

Image courtesy of DrAjao

(Inspired to Praise)

The first time I heard my sons' cries, my response was exactly the same.
I mean, imagine that moment when a person doesn't exist and then the next moment they do, and they proclaim their arrival with a strong, wailing greeting.

Praise exploded from my heart at that moment!
Unrestrained and unrestricted praise.
I couldn't have cared less about the OBs, Nurses, Anesthesiology, Techs and others present
I actually couldn't help myself and I couldn't contain it.
Both were amazing moments.

From their first cries till now, my MJ still compels me to praise. I'm sure you know what I mean.

When we look them over...you know, tilt our heads to the side and look real close at their features...
How likened they are to us and/or our spouses?
Fearful at times at the resemblance?
I look at how wondrously they are made and again I am compelled to praise.
"My God! You are wonderful!"

What about how they surprise us at the intricate details and knowledge
That they soak up moment by moment, without our intervention?
We think 'How could someone so small be so smart?' 
When they say witty things, we wonder how this whole person could have come out from us!:
"I am actually a parent! Who would have thought? Thank You, Jesus!"

And when we look at how they are literally maturing before our eyes,
Becoming more handsome and more beautiful, and think 
'What a perfect blend of genes! LORD, You are amazing!

GOD is worthy of all this praise, for HE designed them specially to bring us joy in life.

So my dear children, my MJ, thank you for inspiring me to praise. 
For inspiring me to praise through my example to you. 
Praise through my love and service to you as your mom; 
Through discipline, as I envision the astute men you will one day be. 
Inspired to draw closer to the Lord so that I can teach you the things of God; 
The pleasures of knowing HIM in your youth, 
In being so near and dear to Him that he orchestrates your plans, 
Giving you opportunities that I didn't have

Praise through my work because all that I am today 
Is because you inspired me to do better,
You are the reason my life has changed today, 
Because you inspired me to get off my butt and get out the door to make something happen!

That's how you make me feel, my MJ,
'Cause as another MJ (2009-2013) said:

Oh I'll Be Workin' From Nine To Five
To Buy You Things To Keep you by my side

Enjoy this track with me as a tribute to the MJ we celebrate today.
I remember where I was this day in 2009, MM still in utero and Jojo only a dream
I'm grateful to have them both as a source of joy today.
I love you, My MJ.

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