Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Value of Life

I've been thinking a lot lately about what is important in life.

Turns out that many things that were so important years ago won’t even matter any more

I think to myself, when I die will God say unto me ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant. Thou obtained a double doctorate and honors in all of your coursework. Enter into the joy of the Lord.”

Would He commend me for amassing wealth beyond measure and making a name for myself?

Or rejoice over all of the church events I planned, all the services I attended, and all of the “hard work” I put in at the expense of my mandated responsibilities?

Would he consider all the people I ignored on a day to day, relationships I forfeited, people I overlooked…all the grace and compassion that I withheld because I was too busy?

And lately I’ve been thinking of my son, young as he is. What will I teach him about value? If I were to loose him before his time, would I say ‘if only he had done better in school’ or ‘I wish I had disciplined him more’(which by the way happens most of the time because I refuse to pay attention to him and give him my undivided attention)? I think I would wish that I had spent more quality time with him, listened to him more, hugged and kissed him more, taught him intentionally, played leisurely with him—showed him that I love him!

Excuse me ya’ll; I’m going to go play cars with MM. His smiles and giggles definitely make it worthwhile and it is those memories that I will cherish even as I “lose” his childhood and innocence.

I welcome discussion.

-Lyrics by tia 2011


  1. Thinking about if further, makes me wonder what those "few things" are referring to, in reference to Matthew 25:23

    His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

  2. Beautiful mama! I really couldn't agree more - too often in life, we spend too much time fussing over meaningless things...Hope you had fun playing cars ;)

  3. I wish I had read this and known someone who believed this with all of her heart about 15 years ago. :) As a recovering "busy-holic" and mother of older teens, I can affirm the wisdom of your words and the wishes reflective older moms have when looking back. I hope many young moms read this post and know they are not alone. I hope they realize how deeply valuable their service and attention to their children is. May God give you the strength to continue along this path and the ears to hear his "well done," especially when the world tells you otherwise. Debbie

  4. Amen! Your words are very touching, Debbie. Thank you for your insight and encouragement. I pray this simple message gets out to more and more young moms. And for myself, I pray for the grace to be present and attentive for my kids and take care of all of my God-given roles as a wife and mom #Titus 2:4-5

  5. @9jamom: Thank you so much. I will share this piece on, the happening place to be for young moms of Nigerian descent!

  6. As a mom of three i realize that with each child i get better. my oldest i was the fun want to be your friend mom. The middle child i turned into super mom. i attended all school events & even joined the pta. But third child is the charm! i am focuse on him giving him all my attention. i am not missing a first step, first word, or first anything. i have learned the most important thing in life is creating a loving strong bond with your child. So am glad you learned early. cause it took me three times to figure it out.


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