This World Prematurity Day I celebrate to honor my twin--and my March of Dime mentor! First, to my twin brother, who though we shared the experience of prematurity together in the 80's, has remained faithful and true as a confidante, friend, and mentor, consistently remaining by my side. I honor you because you stand as a support to so many people, always wanting and willing to help, and always wanting to be sure that everyone gets the better part of a deal! He does not give up on people! So many babies are born throughout the world who don't have a fighting chance because they are boon too soon, too small and too sick. Because of people like you, KBA, the fight to save baby lives has grown stronger. You are part of the fight through your support of what I do!
KBA, I send you a VIRTUAL HUG today!

Although she retired this year, I know for sure that the work continues on so many levels! Now that we are fighting to promote those 39 weeks I'm reminded of how ready and steady you are in gently plugging in an important health message regarding prematurity! I can't wait to continue your legacy!
DD, I send you a VIRTUAL HUG!
So this year, the amazing spokesperson for TODAY World Prematurity Day 2013 is the lovely Celine Dion.
Finally, we want to recognize the millions of parents suffering with a baby affected by prematurity. You inspire us by the way you are fighting for those lives. Your efforts are not futile! You have the power to "Love [Them] Back to Life" as is the essence of Celine Dion's recent release.
-Lyrics by tia 2013
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