Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Prelude to The Love Your Spouse Challenge

As a Perinatal RN, I take care of new families every day. Often i witness women who constantly hiss, snap at, and demean their significant others, to which I respond by leaving their space quickly because I cannot stand it! I respond to the pain they emit probably because I do it too: at home, in public and in front of family and friends.

Those of us in marriage know it's hard. This may to challenging to convince to a single person.
But Marriage can be very, very hard:
Like trying to run through quick sand hard.
Like sticking a smile on your face while your mind and your body is cussin' him out hard
Like taking an epidural needle to every nerve of your body hard: scary, uncomfortable, painful and then, numbing.

Usually, our pictures and posts remind us of our good times
How our love began
All of our Firsts
How much we've endured,
And the glow that was in our eyes when everything was smoother.

Our posts give us an excuse
To remember why we love him,
Actually, they are not meant to convince you that we are perfect or that marriage is pure bliss
In fact, every time we expose our hurts & challenges publicly
We remind others of their hurt
And the hope in another person's heart dims
Because, when you shared your story of hope
If gave them Faith to Trust God again

So keep it going friends
Let's remind the world that the Love in Marriage is worth fighting for!
Marriage is worth fighting for!
#iAcceptTheChallenge #LoveYourSpouse #ThruFire #ThruFlood

Lyrics by tia 07312016

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