Thursday, August 11, 2016

Adieu Yei: Centenarian!!!!

Written At The Break of Dawn on July 6, 2016

Today I hold & care for a new Baby Girl
We call her a "Preemie" because she arrived too early
She's very new and small and just a few days in age
But we rejoice at her arrival and all the hope that lies ahead

In stark difference, you lived longer than your time
We call you a "Centenarian" because you lived past 100
Strong and vibrant and full of energy
Your memory so sharp
Your heart so pure
Your prayers still fervent
And your laugh so boisterous!
The Mother of Eight (8) Strong Children!
Mother of Wisdom! Mother of Legacy!

We all joked about how you asked us not to pray for long life
You said you were ready to be with Him
To live with Christ forever
In the midst of your personal prayers
God translated you from your knees to His Arms!

"It don happen!"...My Father, exclaimed
My Father, your First Son.
Another heart broken
And yet GOD always seems to make sure that he is right where he needs to be 
He was right there to rush to your side
The Love of a Mother is too deep 
Watching my Father bid farewell to His Loving Mother?
It's just too deep!

Adieu Yei! What a life well lived
You are the envy of so many to come
We celebrate you now and always
Your legacy remains with us all
Your Grand children & Great Grandchildren
Sun re!

Completed at The Setting of the Sun, The Burial Celebration of Madam Cecilia Adeloye August 2016

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